Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Project #3: Dramaturgy-Hamlet
Shakespeare at the Tobacco Factory
Director: Jonathan Miller
The portrayal of Hamlet was sexy and sensitive. Jamie Ballard is an unknown actor who does justice to the role of Hamlet. Ballard truly encompasses the demanding role. There is very little scenery and the costumes are all done in gold, grey and black with the only other color ever appearing being the bloodstains.
The Coronado Playhouse
Director: Keith A. Anderson
September 11-October 4, 2009
Coronado, CA
Terrence Burke as Hamlet did a wonderful job in the role but he did have a tendency to revert to a monotone voice in some scenes. He was well versed in the work and did well with the difficult language of the original script. The director as shortened the script so that the run time was just under 2 hours instead of the customary 3 hour run time.
The Small Concert Room in St. George’s Hall
August 11 – August 23, 2009
Director: Max Rubin
The roles of Hamlet and Gertrude were well played but Liam Tobin who takes on three different roles is the most impressive. The fight scenes were wonderfully choreographed by Renny Krupinski who also is a member of the cast as Claudius.
CoHo Productions
Director: Chris Murray
January-February 2010
The entire production is put on by a total of 5 actors, each actor playing different roles and no costume changes. Chris Murray not only adapted and directed he also stars in the production as the lead role of Hamlet. This is a daring adaptation with many minor characters removed from the script and many monologues are shortened to help streamline the story.
Fulks Theatre
Directed: Adam Hester
July 10, 12, 18, 2003
This production is visually spectacular. The sets, lights and costumes come together well to create a beautiful stage. There is lots of quick physicality on stage and it is well choreographed.
Delacorte Theater
Director: Oskar Eustis
June 18-29, 2008
Central Park, NY
This is a modern day version and is said to be “straightforward and easy -to-follow” and in modern day clothing as the costumes. There appears to be any chemistry among the characters or the actors. The leading man pretty much carries the show and the others are left drowning. The director stages the show so that the action is more important that the reaction.
Royal Shakespeare Company
August 2008
Director:Gregory Doran
Courtyard, Stratford
David Tennant’s facial expressions apparently captivate the audience. He appropriately portrays every emotion. He has a wonderful intensity to his acting that adds a great deal of depth to his character. Patrick Stewart’s voice booms throughout the theatre creating an unreal theatrical experience. The two actors together on stage create a unique experience.
Shakespeare Theater of New Jersey, F.M. Kirby Shakespeare Theater
Directed:Bonnie J. Monte
September 12-October 11, 2009
Madison, N.J.
This version of Hamlet is different in that Hamlet (Saxe) portrays the character as playful which makes the other characters around him oblivious to his plans. The entire cast does justice to the performance of the text by performing the verse with “skill and understanding”.
Shakespeare and Co.
Director: Eleanor Holdridge
July-August 29th, 2009
Lenox, MA
Jason Asprey’s performance is raw and stays true to the director’s vision. This version of Hamlet is considered to be accessible to a more modern audience. Shakespeare & Co. carefully edited the script to remove any extras from the script and the movement is continuous. Nothing extraneous is left in the script or on the stage.
Broadhurst Theatre
Director: Michael Grandage
October-December, 2009
235 West 44th Street, NY
Jude Law truly captures the role of Hamlet with his version of irreverence. The typically dark show is broken up by the humor contained within the text. The overall impact of the show is brought down by the fact that the other actors are not up to par with Law. The weakness of the other characters prevents the production from being as amazing as it could but the audience is captivated from start to finish with Jude Law’s unbeatable performance.